Production Profits:To date, Balay-1 has produced over 275,000 barrels of oil from test production. 15% to Petroamerica means they have over 41,250 barrels of oil to sell to Petrobra to date from only test production on Balay-1. If they sold that oil to Petrobra for $80 per barrel given that oil prices are well over $100 today (the discount to Petrobra are due to the obvious reasons, i.e Petrobra pipeline, infrastructure in place to get the oil to market, etc). Then subtract another $30 per barrel for taxes, etc, then profit to Petroamerica from that 41,250 barrels is $2.0625 million (41,250*50).
Over $2 million profit from only test production on one well is not bad. Calculate what it'll be When Balay-1 to go into full production and Balay-2 and Balay-3 to come online.