RE: RE: RE: Bin Laden Death - Another BIG LIEOn the contrary, if you suck down every drop of information released by the mainstream media without question; accept at face value everything you are told by deceitful governments (such as the one that spread false background information regarding the Gulf of Tonkin incident amongst many others--I use this as an example because there doesn't seem to be much controversy about this having taken place anymore), unwaveringly support the official line as propagated by the West, label anyone questioning authority a "conspiracy theorist", and generally refuse to accept overwhelming evidence that points to inconsistency in conventional thinking then you Sir are more of a conspiracy theorist than am I because you clearly believe in the conspiracies and conspiracy theories advanced by the US government. Indeed you are an ostrich with your head firmly up your butt. I do agree with you that this really isn't the place to discuss all of this but when people advance a false charge (at least in part, and these are the most dangerous kind) they need to be countered.