RE: RE: neon
good job tumbleweed. i just got off the phone with patrick and he lauphed at the idea of a reverse split. he said if ubr was going to do that they would have consolidated when they switched from uranium bay to uragold bay. patrick has 11mil shares i cant see him wanting a roll back. patrick told me he used rrsp money to buy those shares yesterday he couldnt help himself. fancamp is on ubr property drilling diagonally on to theirs. no hype is really wanted by both companies about the drilling. ubr geologist believes the gold is more to the west valley. fancamp actually stopped drilling and moved to their propery boardering ubrs because of ubrs latest n/r about beauce. ubr doesnt want to hype it because they dont believe thats where the gold is, so if fancamp gets poor drill results it doesnt look good on either. patrick told me that all the sonic holes drilled (that we are wating for results for) all had visible gold grains. next n/r is on mon tues. about quebec university looking at beauce property. and the following week should be drill results.