The one thing
You're all overlooking is the 78% of LIARD that CUU earns when they present the FS to TCK. it's equal to 23.4% of the mine ( benefits of the mine after payout ). Why would TCK wait for the BFS and lose 23.4% of the mine only to have to buy it back from CUU later.
Our most recent acquisition was 1.9% of LIARD and added to the 78% TCK share we will earn equals approx. 24.5% of the mine in addition to whatever we are left with after TCK backs in. That's a lot more than the 25% everyone here is talking about.
It just makes sense to me, TCK has to buy us out before we present them with the BFS and earn that 78% of LIARD.
Sometime between the RE and before the BFS.....chunky