All thats needed is 5 mmcfThats (5,000,000 / 1,000) * 8 dollars = 40,000 dollars per day = 14,600,000 per year revenue. That number does not include condensate. If the whole well produces 1018 bopd equivalent (includes condensate), thats 1018 * 120 * 365 = 44,500,000 dollars per year (ie : using the initial C16 result of 4.7 mmcf). So all thats required is for all levels combined to produce 4.7 mmcf + 50 barrels per mmcf condensate. So C12/C13 need less than 4mmcf to reach the combined total. Revenue of 44.5 million per year is nothing to sneeze at. Prices are going to rise in the Ukraine. This is all based on no further development of the well by acidizing or horizontal drilling.