RE: RE: Got my Fill-Last Minute Buying PanicI don`t believe I said anything bad about the company or the fundamentals. I just didn`t agree with the statement that this stock was free from negative market pressures like we experienced today. I truly believe this would not have sold off as much as it did today if the market was in the green versus down 240 points. Let`s be realistic.
I also see a ton of pumping here of the same old information, almost in desperation. It will run if it`s as good as most here think on it`s own merit. I said keep buying if you think it`s that great but instead most were selling while I was buying. Go figure....
If you took that as bashing then your glass must be half empty....shame on you!
Looking forward to the rise in SP tomorrow now that the consolidation appears complete and an end of day reversal took place. BULLISH!