TOO MANY WARRANTSYeah great point made alot another so not a huge deal...but it took awhile but I just don't see the stock holding this level....When what appears too be good news falls on deaf ears and the stock goes down its time too run...The only support is the shorts buying back there shares so that should be done now so im not sure who is gonna buy...The only analysts that cover it are maybe telling what we didn't wanna hear and were right about this all along......A US listing takes a year at least....$300mil outstanding shares....I hope for some you see $2.50 again but don't see it....I would love too eat my words as I know some who are holding but all this $3 SP by end of may not a chance!!! maybe 2 years maybe....If the company was in any kind of drivers seat they would have said no too any warrants this time around...