RE: RE: Dumbo TroutJoe trout said, "In fact I know of one stupid
shareholderwho had over a million shares before he dumped them while crying like ababy. He's pretty popular and followed by many although he neverfinished high school."
Your hatred for Grandich is shown through your posting history and this last post of yours is referring to him. So I thought we take a quick look at both of you.
On the one hand, Joe Trout is sucking wind on a stock for many months seeing any and all his claimed buys falling in value. Meanwhile Grandich did indeed sell his 1 million shares (most likely worth more than your entire worth) for a profit at 1.20 got his readers out with a profit and the net results of all his picks since then and market calls have them way ahead and
Oh and about him not finishing high school - that's true. But somehow he managed to be an adviser to some of the biggest names in sports after being a star on Wall Street while your stardom is limited to this site.
Yeah trout - you da man-lo