ZinigmaI have added to my resource total for Bissa and nearby deposits. My count now shows
3.7 million ounces.
I`ve added Zinigma, which has an early stage 43-101 resource profile of
138,792 ounces (.5 g/t cut off).
From the March 17`11 tech rpt on SEDAR (2989K size rpt, pg 10): ``The Zinigma deposit lies
in the 181.10km2 Yargo Permit approximately 25km to the northwest of Bissa Hill``
Easy trucking distance to the Bissa mine (once built).
Pg 69: ``The sample database is made up of 11,076m of RAB drilling, 6,223m of RC drilling and 183m
of trenching.``
From the Jan`11 resource NR: ``Zinigma is located in the Yargo Permit, northwest of Bissa, where an
800 x 300m zone of disturbance was noted, trending approximately east-west. Individual pits are from 10 to 60m deep chasing generally narrow (<50cm) white quartz stringers.``
Bissa area ounces - roll up profile:
Bissa - 2,867,000 (January NR)
Initial Bouly - 364,000 (Jan NR, using the lowest cutoff due to very high gold prices)
Initial Gougre - 225,000 (Jan NR, ``)
Initial Zinigma - 139,000 (Jan NR, ``)
Sug-total = 3,595,000
50% Ronguen - 125,000 (Goldrush`s project)
Total =
3,720,000 ounces
As previously noted, many very good exploration results have been realized on
Ronguen since the last resource calculation in 2008. Ronguen`s resource total is expected to increase substantially with both the next resource calculation by Goldrush and future exploration phases on the property. HRG has 50% back in rights to the Ronguen resources.
As also discussed, the
Bouly and
Gougre ounce totals are expected to rise materially.
Zinigma looks to have good upside potential also, but there is insufficient info available to make a reasonable assessment as to how much potential exist at that particular location.
There are also plenty of
other good potential exploration targets still to be explored around the nearby Bissa area, including Liliga, Rofo, Lessa, KoKaun.
In addition, the
Sabce Deformation Corridor likely still has enormous exploration potential. That is the corridor that houses the 2,867,000 ounce, immediate Bissa deposit. However, this corridor appears to be longer than
25 km in length, with a number of exploration targets identified along this corridor.