RE: Maximum allow by TSXI expect they'll buy the max - but they likely won't push the price up too much. Regardless of whether the shares are sold my traders who are flipping for a few quick bucks, or by shorters who are probably doing whatever they can to keep this from rising - once the comapny buys them, they are gone from the float. After a week or so of 600K shares disappearing from the float, the 12M shorts (not the naked ones) are going to have to start covering. Every share the company buys over the next week or so, saves them 5.4 cents at the end of the month - so hopefully shorty doesn't jump the price too quickly.
Word is starting to spread and more and more people are going to try and get in on this.
Where else can you find a stock where a buyer has declared they plan to purchase 50M shares over the next year?
Glad I didn't listen to the geniuses that said wait for under 4 to double up.