More troubles for Mid East and Oil...very soon..This important story has received very little press attention, with good reason...If it fully develops, it will mean terrible news for entire Mid East, and as well the price of Oil and of course our world economy....I am talking about the new unannounced quasi civil war in Iran....yes Iran, remember them....It turns out we have a genuine power struggle going on daily now...The grand Ayatollah Khameni, who has run Iran with an unbeleivable iron fist,since the deaath of Aya Khomeni, is now being challenged by pres. Ahmadinajad, and it looks like for all the marbles...Ahmajinadad has taaaaaaaken on the Pres of Opec, along with Chavez of Venezuela, to counter the heavy US$ backed Saudis, for control of Opec...This theatre is just beggining to play itsedf out, and the consewuences are great indeed, both for Oil, US$ and world economies....
Gold is once again rising back for a number of reasons, one importan one is that CHINA today is making easier for Chinese to own GOLD...They have always been Gold Bugs, and the Government sees the tremendous benefits of owning pure Gold to any paper...India will follow suite....Nothing has been resolved on the debt extension by US house, and so that crisis is deepening...All I can say is, we are going to have ,rather soon, a HUGE spike move in the price of Gold, as some ifnot all of these troubles come to beiing....Got your Gold physical, and or your PDG...time is running out to get them rather mon the cheap...both... in my view....but time is fast running out...