ReReRe what is going on This is really getting wierd. I direct you to the post by canucklhead4 on 5/17/2011 titled ," Re Re what is going on". It is a quote of a press release apparently made on 01/2011. Note the reference to the outstanding YNG shares, a total of 755,816,679 shares!!!! Was that an accurate figure on 01/2011? The total YNG outstanding shares listed on the TSX ,YNG share activity today lists 699.12 million shares. JUST HOW MANY OUTSTANDING YNG SHARES ARE REALLY OUT THERE TODAY???? Why this wide difference and who do we believe??? SOMEONE IS NOT TELLING US THE TRUTH... We shareholders are supposed to be given the true figures on this and other YNG activities. AND WHERE IS THE YNG FIRST QUARTER, 2011, FINANCIALS, that was due out by midnight May 16, 2011???? I suggest we all keep our hip-high boots on, this YNG BS is getting deeper and deeper!!! JMHO ICE