RE: RE: RE: where is management?I have read this sentiment before and I am puzzled by the assertion that somehow the poor shareholder is left holding the bag. When I bought stocks in this company, I was not given the promise that my share value would increase by 50%, continue to go up and to be protected by management agaist the volatility of the marketplace at all times. - and especially at $1.00. I am sure management of any company would be flattered to believe that they could unilaterally control the share price.
Manipulation refers to a deliberate and organized attempt to control. The roller coaster ride we are on now is completely random that is why it is impossible to make any sense out of it.
I will agree that sometimes no news can be construed as bad news but what happens if the news comes out from the company that nothing much is going on. Should I rush out and sell my shares in the company or fret all the way up to the next NR? It has to be long all along. You know- through thick and thin and all that. Either that or the road to riches will be a long and haggard affair. As I have said previously if you want to make quick money, day trade. If you want to be an investor stay long and don't sweat the small stuff. I haven't lost or gained a cent until I sell my shares.
By the way one of my all time favourite movies is Cinderella Man!