RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Preffered bloodbath coGWP: When all is said and done, none of us here knows what the future might hold for Yellow – or any other stock. But I hope I can persuade you to keep your perspective on your Yellow holdings, even if it turns into a losing, bailout situation for you. Let's assume that your Yellow position represents 5% of your overall holdings, as you yourself have indicated. I'm in that boat, too, as you know. If your Yellow holdings are all in preferreds, you have been paid 7.5% annually – or something in that range. Let's assume the worst and that you wind up believing that you need to sell your Yellow preferreds – taking a 50% haircut cost-base haircut. What that means, in the broadest sense, is that your broad portfolio has taken only a 2.5% hit (not even counting the 7.5% in preferred payouts that you have received). That's not such a bad spanking, again broadly speaking. And so, while I do understand your discomfort, I also know that you understand that there is risk in any kind of investment undertaking. Like you, I hope the bleeding stops at some point. In the meantime, step back a bit and take a deep breath and do an analysis that incorporates your entire portfolio, not just the one 5% holding that's going through a nasty rough spot at the moment. Good wishes to you. aclcmc