I think we'll see a pop like vst has.Vst went from .265 to .39 cents peak so far this morning in a matter of 2 trading days plus this morning..
I think we'll see LFD hit upwards of .30 within 5 trading sessions.. not sure where we'll end up today but i can see us adding a penny or 2 each day with maybe a big day or two.
Like someone mentioned these juniors have been held back far too long. and if VST or WZR hit oil in the next month we could see these explode with the KRG paying companies now!
Once the infastructure issues are resolved on how they'll get the oil onto the market we'll see another large uptick.
If none of this happens then we're out money :P either way GL all! finally some upward movement on these kurdistan stocks!
P.S Groundstar is cheap and hasn't seen any real movement while LFD and VST have.. i say keep a close eye on GSA.. probably a good time to pick some up. While they only have a 6% interest in QD they have alot less shares outstanding compared to vst.. 3X less actually