Coop and Chuck watch in 6 monthsThere will be more posters here calling them selves geniuses and what a friggin deal this stock is when it $4.50 and wish they had got in at 2.75, when there was that ridiculous bargain. We will look like the CUU BB in six months everyone ranting and raving about how great we are and someone is going to buy us out for a ridiculous amount of money because we have 400 mtns of met in the ground worth $$$120 BILLION , we have lossan with 200 mtns of met, Madagasgar with 500 to 1.5 BILLION tons of 25% iron ore, a lawsuit of $300 mil against the provincial gove regarding the Lodge pole resource and oh yeah and Cline gold property to boot JVed !!! Rail spur partially done in six months, up to full production, port in place and finally those numerous contracts SIGNED!! I can hear it all, remember I was the biggest chearleader, by then I will be drowned out by numerous chear leaders. Miner will be the brunt of many more jokes, Makaplak, who has finally got his 500 shares will be whopping and saying what a great mine it is and then trying to day trade it every other day will bash the DOG the next day, Wolf will tell us how he swung trade it 15 times and made millions. Poor Godman will be all alone, no one listing counting his millions.