RE: RE: large wall at .67Walls already coming down. Don't let anything fool you but the truth. Let the news judge your decisions when it comes to selling not a couple hundred thousand shares that want to be sold. That's nothing considering the volume here over the past couple months. Why would you want to sell after last Friday's news release and the upcoming Q1 financials about to be released. Everything is pointing to an appreciating stock price and you're gonna let someone else take your shares and make that profit. This company continues to deliver and who knows what other surprises they have for us. It just seems that the story keeps getting better and better. The pre-paid credit card industry was estimated to be 120 billion in 2008 and is said to increase to over 400 billion in 2013. We're talking about huge potential here with the patents SCG have in place. Sell if you all want, someone will be happy to take them off your hands. I strongly believe you'll be singing the old story. I owned a boatload of SCG in the 50's, 60's, 70's, and sold. The stock is now trading at 6, 7, 8, 12, 30 dollars! AHHHH! Just remember in hind sight its too late. Like I said, let the news guide your decisions and let the shorters and day-traders have their fun. We know news can come out at any point and if you're cashed out, you may miss the boat. Once again, good luck to everyone.