RE: RE: Pitfals of TARD-MATH
CMK LONG TERM RATIO of clean coal to dug-out stuff
( waste ) looks like 30% coal
See their Tech Rep-
Waste storage - 3 mt /y = they calculated 50/ 50 waste / ROM
Add washing and out of ROM we have 60% clean coal **
(tailings storage is separate from dry waste)
So , 1 mt dug out stuff , = 500kt ROM coal = 300kt clean coal.
3mt dug out = 900kt.clean coal
3mt clean coal sales mean 10mt mining vol , 70% of it waste.
Just look at WTN,GCE ,PRC history -their projections NEVER happened
or happened with 3 Y delay.
CMK is no different.-- and actually more "promotional", bordering on fraud .
That's long term.
2011 seems, it's even lower than 30%
CMK will live or die by the rock -to-coal ratio
** Applying here data from TEC Elkview Mine :ROM coal 2005-2010 : 9.8mt ,clean coal 5.8mt =
60% clean coal out of ROM
More color on continuous miner
Continuous mining is truly a misnomer, as room and pillar coal mining is very cyclical.
In the US, one can generally cut 20 ft (or a bit more with MSHA permission),
after which, the face has to be serviced,= roof bolted, ventilation pipes added
, before it can be advanced again.
. During servicing, the "continuous" miner moves to another face.
How much time it takes to cut 7m deep x 7 m wide x 2m high = 100 cubic meters(150t) ?
1/2 - 1 hr ?
How much time it takes to move the machine and set up at second face ?
1/2 hr ?
How much time it takes to service the 7 m x 7 m roof = drill tens of 6-8 ft long holes in the roof
insert 6-8 ft long steel bars and plates ( cost $ 3/ t + labor + bolter capex) ,cement them etc?
1hr ?
(another explanation ,besides 60% rock mining at $ 150/ t cost , of low production)
30% -40%of time the machine is not working= moved around. between faces,
waiting for face roof to be secured.
The weak roof at Elk requires 6-8 ft-long bolts
Means ,the shaft must be at least 7 ft accommodate the 6-8 ft drills and bolts + the drilling mach .
At aver 5 ' coal seam - here you go
cutting waste at $ 150 /t cost and sorting out coal from rock .
And GOD is trying to make TRADS to buy his shares by coming out with his tard-math :
"if I have a Lamborgini capable of driving 350 km/hr , and will drive it 20 hrs /day , 25 days / month - I will get to the moon in no time ... LOOOOL , geeesus , GOD,- your infinite wisdom aside .... how stupid do you think people are ?
One would think , GOD doesn't engage in scams . geeez .
Here you can see what REAL SEAM is :
TCK up to 15-20m = 60'
GCE Number 4 coal seam, has a thickness of between 2 and 12m. =36 '
Grande Cache Member is often a thick coal seam (for example the 10 m thick Jewel seam )
BTU 30m = 90' seam here'
top seam in PRB 280'
This is only half of the coal seam. on picture
The coal bench the man is standing on is equally as thick
examples of others: