43 - 101 AugustBalabag 43-101 right now is the only one thing I'm waitingfor. TVI delayed the 43-101 for more drill results. Three months I canwait for.
1 - TVI 10X to 15X share value when we hitthe Hong Kong Stock Exchange, estimated for late 2011. I'll take 8X but I'lltake what you’re taken.
2 - TVI isextending and has always stated that it was probable to extend the current minelife at Canatuan.
3 - Balabagproduction late July 2012.
4 - Drilling andmore Drilling Drilling Drilling.
5 - In my honestopinion, buying TVI at 7 cents is a steal for a possible 2X in 3 months to5X for a year hold. The possibility only gets better if TVI SP drops or smallerif TVI SP raises. For all new investors and old share holders who are willingto invest in TVI today. Do you own Due Diligence.
With the Oil play I hope it pays out for us the Share Holders. I feel Cliff wasprotecting his butt on how it was explained. I'll bet the TGE share holdershave heard that story all before and look at there SP (oops). TVI saved them,like Cliff said someone else would have bought them at a good price afterbankruptcy sorry I just said that not Cliff. Cliff like all other TGE ShareHolders would have lost money if TVI did not step in to save the day. Also Idon't like hearing 10 - 15 yrs. on some of the oil play areas. Cliffmention synergy savings bring the two companies together. Does that help TVI orTGE? I do believe the synergy helps TGE more than TVI. I did like how TVIwas dropping the big names like ESSO and SHELL. That plays on our hopes anddreams. I just hope and dream TGE does pay off for all of us.
If I have miss stated please let me now here or in my inbox.
Keep Smiling