The power of hopeAlways seems to override sensibility and pragmatism... arguments become about semantics more than facts... passion , however, is not a substitution for logic...
I have not ONCE said that Shammy's assertions are not possible... BUT I definitely infer that they are VERY IMPROBABLE... contrary to his statement about PMT being a "Family business"... there are literally thousand of investors that can atest to the fallacy of that statement... PMT answers to a Board of Directors... and it is their fiduciary duty to ensure that the interests of those thousands of share holders are handled responsibly... So... while in the land of Shammy... PMT, POU & TOU would create a magnificent O&G conglomerate... the real world in my opinion has a far less glorious end for PMT... I dare say that IT WILL be profitable for some...not so much for others...
I'm a gambler... otherwise I'd have my money squirreled away in gold coins stashed in a coffee can buried in my back yard... I look at probability... it's MY opinion... that the probability here is that PMT takes an offer before the year is out...
It's my opinion git yer own....