SammyI was done with you but your question "What is TA?" is quite revealing.
You don't like peeps getting personal with you, or u just use it to try to frame that anyone getting personal with you validates your previous point(s).
You've been pretty personal on here in calling for the removal of GMA management wouldn't you say?
So let's put it all into perspective.
You don't like the job GMA mgmt has done so far.
To have some credibility in that arena, you'd have to have done your own job pretty well to be valid in making that call.
Your job in this blood sport is to be a good investor or trader.
If you don't know what TA is, it's hard to believe you have done your job well as an investor/trader. TA is a valid and usefull tool that most great traders use as part of their toolbox. Who doesn't know what TA is?
All of a sudden you are not sounding so savvy. You're a "big" poster here, but time is putting you into perspective..