I posted this on www.stockigloo.comas the Russian billionaires that control Century Mining are following pretty much the same blueprint as Severstal.
Remember the true value of HRG. Don`t fall for their thievery efforts.
``John Helmer wrote a new article about HRG. He says the Russians (Severstal/Nord Gold) are planning another cheap takeover attempt to get the minority HRG shares.
They are planning to offer $1.50 per share, which is a pathetic joke. HRG`s Bissa project alone will eventually have value of way more than that – I expect (eventually) Bissa to be a 250,000 oz per yr producer with 8 – 10 million ounces of gold (with start up production at 160,000 oz per year within 2 years time – fully funded out of current cash position).
I believe Bissa and surrounding areas is already up to 5 or 6 million ounces of gold. It is my opinion that they are withholding vital exploration info from HRG minority shareholders.
HRG has 4 other major gold producing mines (annual production of 150,000, 120,000, 65,000 and 65,000). HRG is on the road to producing over 600,000 gold ounces annually, at a low to very decent cash cost per ounce. HRG also holds a 50% stake in the greatest undeveloped silver project on earth (both by grade and scale potential) – 600 to 700 g/t silver with 1 billion silver oz potential (there is nothing like it on earth).
Also, HRG`s Labola property in Burkina Faso (with an 11 km strike length) has excellent potential to become HRG`s 3rd Burkina Faso mine in about 3 or 4 years.
HRG is 100% unhedged.
HRG currently has $250 – $300 million in cash / investments and virtually no debt.
The greedy Russians know all this.
That is why they have suppressed HRG since taking over control. They have used tried every trick in the RUSSIAN book over the past few years (including bringing in their own auditors and initiating timely (and uncalled for) writedowns to mask net profits). You would be shocked at some of the tactics they used (and the list is huge).
They are even up to something right now (IMO). They have delayed the Q1 statements. They are likely using the new international accounting rules to hide some of the profits, to buy some more time, IMO.
They want the HRG minority shares for virtually nothing.
They are not getting the minority shares. They are not squeezing us out either. Without suppression, HRG is easily a $5.00 stock now and $7.00 – $10.00 with Bissa, Prognoz and Labola more advanced in a couple of years.
Here is John`s new article: