Income StatementExpressed in United States dollars
2011 2010
Operating revenues 20 $ 27,494,390 $ 19,466,619
Operating expenses
Mining and processing (13,017,240) (11,409,242)
Royalties (1,473,593) (1,358,440)
Depletion and depreciation (1,560,056) (1,407,716)
Total operating expenses (16,050,889) (14,175,398)
Mine operating earnings 11,443,501 5,291,221
Corporate and administrative costs (1,067,176) (711,958)
Share-based compensation 19 (3,479,773) (2,382,567)
Other gains and losses 22 1,466,179 (1,498,490)
Finance income 53,335 25,044
Finance costs 23 (144,861) (59,571)
Earnings and comprehensive income for the period $ 8,271,205 $ 663,679
Earnings and Comprehensive income attributable to:
Owners of the parent $ 7,309,641 $ 1,273,585
Non-controlling interest 961,564 (609,906)
$ 8,271,205 $ 663,679
Earnings per share
Basic 24 $ 0.02 $ 0.00
Diluted 24 $ 0.02 $ 0.00
Weighted average number of shares outstanding:
Basic 24 386,726,785 295,537,770
Diluted 24 412,774,073 295,537,770