The fact that Sabina stock price has been flat today must mean one of two things:
1). Analysts looked at the Xtrata deal, decided it was a pretty much a fair deal for both companies, and hence are trading Sabina stock at about the same price as yesterday.
2). Analysts haven't had time to study the deal to determine whether Sabina stock price deserves to be higher or lower than it is right now.
It's funny, Sabina used to be totally Hackett River, then they buy Back River based on a formula that considers Hackett River a more valuable asset than Back River, then they find more gold at Back River and seem to be paying more attention to Back River than Hackett, now Back River becomes their favorite baby and Hackett is relegated to the closet.
I don't think it's because they like gold a lot better than Silver but simply because they want to see Hackett River turn into a mine and they knew the best path forward for doing that was to hand off the task to one of the big boys.