RE: RE: RE: RE: KEEPING THE FAITH, STAYING THE COUAlready posted my answer to that question for another poster. Seeing that you missed it:
"stocker, not to rain on your parade but i was once a novice investor andfell for a couple of pump and dumps. I've been a regular reader ofstockhouse for the better part of a decade and I've seen dozens of pumpand dumps come and go and I've also found a few great companies thatwere the real deal.
I'm not saying if INT is one or the other,all I'm doing is arming anyone who cares to read with the criticalquestions they should may wish to consider when buying shares in anyunproven company.
Some here don't like that, questions thattemper emotion and rely on judgement bothers them. They don't bother me.I'll consider any fact based rational argument. My observation is theone's that require you to make a dozen assumptions are the ones that getyou into trouble."
Nobody pays me to post (I wish!), nor do I post to influence share price - with a float of over 200 million shares I don't think that posting on a stockhouse bulletin board would really have any major effect.
I've made some great friends and received some great advice from members of this community. While I've argued counterpoints and disagreed, I've always given thought out rational arguments full consideration. It seems that many here want readers to view only one side of the story, the one that is glowing praise with promises of wealth and fortune. they're free to preach that all they want, but anyone ignoring the counter view in my opinion, is playing with 1/2 a deck.
They generally state that to the world by announcing "click poof gone" as if it were a badge of intelligence. It's quite the opposite; it's a commitment to ignorance.