RE: Beware of Paid Pumper : My_CryMy_cry, I have already alerted everyone of your Hostile, vulgar, threatening attitude.
Everyone here is not listening to all your pumping, spamming, and propaganda.
You can try Hard hard hard to be just like JD ( I see that in your Phony Profile picture) , but you are a :
fake.... copycat.... farse.... lol
Now go get some propecia you little balding man. lol
jd the professor has professed the truth
Your most recent post below :
There are many paid Touts who are paid pocket change and sexual favors such as myself, from the Company janitor to post vile and negative items about this Company and the posters.
The worst offender is myself (my_try) faggot whose I copy my profile picture from JD, looks strikenly like mine. Ignore My_try....he is evil.