RE: Please stop selling!Repost from yesterday evening. Note the last paragraph. Many here would benefit from seeing that video.
Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
Anger (why is this happening to me?)
Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
Depression (I don't care anymore)
Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)
Twoweeks ago the pumpers were assuring us that $1.20 was absolutelywithout a doubt the floor. Well, we know what happened to that theory...The "click poof gone' crowd are desperately trying to remain at thisstage, as are those blaming shorters, the market, bashers, etc. etc.
Morerecently, things are getting pretty heated on the boards. Lots of angryposts, name calling, accusations being levelled etc.etc (you know whoyou are).
I suspect many that are deep underwater are at thebargaining stage, holding private prayer session with themselves,promising never, ever to get so deep in a stock like INT ever again ifthey can only get their money back...
Depression will hit at a later date, maybe after updated numbers come out showing the pace of growth or lack of.
Acceptancewill be when those reservations for St. Lucia are cancelled, the boardgets quiet, and we all have a big group hug and agree "yeah, I shouldhave listened".
These stages are not always sequential, you mayfind yourself flip flopping back and forth between them. Seriously,search for "the anatomy of a pump and dump" on youtube and objectivelycompare it to the way that INT has been behaving.
The similarities are undeniable.