give a rest For crying out loud here is a post that is not a pump but you bashers are still pouring it on why do you care get out of the business .!!!! A roll back means the shares drop in volume and the sp goes up by the same times i have been averaging down so for me it will work out in the end I HOPE? lol ha ha and all that stuff! this is a risk play like most penny stocks . Now the upside is we are going to raise the money with out the support of the bashers and also if the sh want to buy more shares at nine cents and say we open back up at 25 cents after the roll back then you will get a chance to first hand average down once again! The reserves are there i was discouraged by the news release but blown away once again by the friggin bashers they are very good if you don't believe in the company move a long and i say this to all investors that have dreams good luck and don't loose heart you just have to no what is crap and what is fair play these guys are trying and i am not embarressed to be supportive here and as for crazy and his followeres you guys are the ones that should be in prison for your attempts to jew people out of their money and dreams just hope i never put a face to your stupid name you don't want to lock horns with me