Gee, some dumb shats bought 7 mill sharestoday, me included. Ark could you give the institutal numbers. Up Up and Away.
Instead of trying to save us all FEE and Minor, you shorting fu...kers cover you a$$es and see you at $5. Then we will hear the same shat from you guys there. It must be pitiful making a living like you guys do. If it was 4¢ you would say it was over priced. Thanks Wolf for showing their stupidity about trucking coal, like no one trucks coal. You guys sound stupider than me. LOL The pumps are failing and it may snow again this winter....LOL
We have coal, 400 mtns in an 43 101, you think no one checks this reports. Yes we are behind, but like Cooper said we are trading lower when we had no permits, port or production, this is just you Fu..kin shorters.
With 120 million shares in Inst and mutual hands, I do not see them selling, most of the real selling is probably just shorters and weak hands. GLT all the longs and even the swing traders, they will have lots of fun over the next few months. JM honestO, not a pack of lies. I would be careful management doesnt sue your a$$es off.