RE: RE: 4 new ignoresWhy ignore anyone posting valid questions or statement - positive or negative? Maybe they're afraid that the new potential investors will spot the very things they ignored.
That's human nature, everyone hates to admit when they're wrong. People feel inferior for missing obvious flags in the run up then being too gun shy to hop off on the way back down. Some will ride this right to a dime if it goes there, refusing to believe that the "story" that they emotionally bought into does not have the financial engine to back it up. Pride is funny like that, you'll ignore what's right in front of your face to save it.
Are you reading this "intervolved"? I glanced at the first 5 pages of your posts. Nothing but bashing posters. This is a bulletin board, not a bully board.
You have no compelling reason for anyone to buy INT at these valuations so you resort to trying to discredit those that post anything that disagrees with your long position. You'd do more credit to yourself and your investment by defending the merits and discrediting the unrealistic cautions. This isn't a hockey game, this is about investing your money wisely.