RE: RE: Cando-nada? That is the impression.If you have held on for a long time, is it wise to dump before you find out what happened at the AGM?
I have no idea of why Management doesn't know how to issue a PR or doesn't want to, but they are required to file, in one form or another, when material events happen.
If there are new Directors, for example, they will have to file to establish themselves as Insiders, probably using SEDI, and reporting a "starting balance" of their shareholdings.
Plus, there must be some reason why new people were on the ballot to become Directors. They must think there is some opportunity, and it sure isn't to get rich by looting the corporate bank account.
You can always call and email the corporate offices, and officers and ask for information. Perhaps it people bug them enough, showing that there is demand for information, they will decide to supply it.