PDG closes 2nd tranch of PPs ,for total $25 MillThis has got to be good news now for PDG, and the markets should take serious notice of yjr sucsessfull completion of this PP in this short period...PDG should have near by now, to completetheir 45,000 Ft drilling program, and likely more.....$40 Mill altogether raised, and that is NOT chumpchange!!!I would also add that these PPS were done near .75 +++...All these 4 Financial institutionswere confident enough to pay well over current market price, to get this HUGE PDG position...I am betting they know something, and it is all good....
I also feel its possible that PDG is timing this deal so that the full effects will coincide with the start of the resumption of the Gold Bull..July/August....
The desperation of the US$Feds, has been showing all week, with the US$ now close to 75 level, and mst all other currencies down vs it....One can sometimes get brainwashed with all the false news and propaganda spun out by the US$, an exaample is 2 weeks ago they had me convinced they would raise rates....turns out nothing of the sort will happen...It appears that the world now is tremendously afraid, of what inflatiion will do once they begiin the tightening-rate increases cycle...its not just the US$, but all major currencies will be on hold till 2012...in other words more QA, of course unannounced...BUT the Debt figures will continue to add UP, and the WORLD will soon catch up to this unbeleivable increases in world DEBT, and will look for safety in Gold and other precious assets ..
I do hope they begin to release some of these assays, so that we can nbe a leader in this Gold Bull ResumptionIt,s over due IMO....