RE: Wesley J Hall is the new insiderKingsdale Shareholder Services [headed by Wesley J Hall] is the proxy solicitation firm that was noted on the URSA Sedar filing "Other" dated June 13. That would lead me to believe that he may be sympathetic towards the management slate. Like some others here, my gut feeling is that he is a more upstanding type than some of those involved on the dissident's team. I wasn't familiar with the man before now, but after some quick research into his history and credentials my guess is he's more of a heavyweight [by far] than anyone on the team the dissidents have assembled. I get the feeling that his business reputation is more important to him than a quick opportunistic gain that smells of poor ethics. I certainly don't have that feeling in regard to certain of the dissident's team. This fight may get more interesting as time goes on, and everything may not be settled on June 23. But I do have the feeling that Wesley Hall's involvement is a plus for the ordinary shareholders and a setback for the dissident group.
On another note, I'm wondering if a possible investigation will be involved into the suggestion by URSA that there could have been "wrong doing" involved in the actions of ISM and other dissident shareholders. This could shed some light on some past transactions in Inspiration Mining. ISM has loaned money to a private company, on what appears to be very favourable terms, with no disclosure as to the individuals behind the private company. It would seem that any investigation into share transactions by a dissident group, would not be complete without confirming who is behind the +$6 million ISM private loan. ISM has been very secretive about these loans to private companies and individuals - maybe now they will be forced into being more forthcoming.
Dr. Georg Hochwimmer - Founder of financial services firm General Research GmbH is on the dissident slate - I understand that he is based in Germany. There have been several comments suggesting that Randy Miller visited Germany on "ISM business" over the years. The private company receiving the ISM loan is said to hold "European" securities. Likely all a series of coincidences, but sometimes these players weave a tangled web.