Q & A with our CEOI asked Kenabout how the market continues to assess the play at 70 cents and how each yearthey continue to provide excuses about why that is ie. the economic downturn,the mining cycle . This despite theimmense amount of work done by the company. The market still sits there andsays, “ So what ? “ I don’t know what else the shareholders are supposed tobelieve.I used the adage that the market is never wrong. You’re attempting totell the market they're wrong . How can you do that beyond presenting them theinformation you’ve given them and will give them in the future ? You haveattempted through all of the work that you’ve done to prove that they are wrongyet they still do not acknowledge the value of this property.What will changethat ?
Ken'sreply: "If you look at projects. Money wants to be earning the highestrate of return it possibly can. So too does Shore. Shore isn't happy where theshare price is. If you look at the large funds that are out there they movetheir money very quickly from area to area to get a quick return. That initself creates an upward share price movement that they get involved in. Theyquickly exit those , some are in and out in months , some less than a year inand out of corporations . They are also patient in a sense that we are on theirradar . They know who we are and they will pick the time when they want to getinvolved. One of the consistent things we hear out there is that they areprepared to pay for product. When they see this start to run they’ll start tomove and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. What will release that ? Webelieve that the street and the people as a whole start to recognize the valuewhen we bring out the feasibility. It’s about de-risking the project. And that’swhat we’ve been doing for the last several years. It may seem likes it is slowand plodding the amount of work that goes into proving and de-risking isincredible. We receive compliments all the time for the work that we’ve done. Andthey are amazed at the shareholder support we have – a lot of companies don’tget that and they 10 times the size of us.