RE: KNCTR = 1,000,000+That would be a stretch to say the least given that the trend of downloads (not users).
5/26 - 117,137
6/2 - 79,622
6/9 - 86,000
6/16 - 75,000 (cumulative number of downloads 825,000)
Barring a spike, the trend indicates that the cumulative downloads will be in the neighbourhood of 900K.
You'll notice that INT reports downloads, then switches to "active users" when describing the amount of time the average user spends on the application. The active users would be a fraction of the total downloads and to infer that all that downloaded the app are using it is misleading. It would be far more transparent if INT reported the engagement rate of those who downloaded by reporting both the number of downloads as well as the number of active users. That would give shareholders a much better idea of how the product is being received and how much ad revenue that the product is generating.
Personally, I think that KNCTR is a dud and that most users try it once or twice before abandoning it. I have stated before that there is an alternate free app offered by google that has no advertising and thus uses less bandwidth. Google Voice has been offered from their GMail platform for some time (at least 2 years) and the service will soon be rolled out as a plug in on the Google Chrome browser.