The EV/EBITDA ratio is a relevant financial ratio for business valuation. Capstone Mining Corp. shows a EV/EBITDA ratio of 4.31 for the next 12 months.
This financial ratio is lower than the median of its peer group: 5.16 According to these financial ratios Capstone Mining Corp. valuation is below the market valuation of its peer group's.
This is significantly lower than the average of its sector (General Mining) 5.49 According to these financial ratios Capstone Mining Corp. valuation is way below the market valuation of its sector.
Financial ratios of Capstone Mining Corp. (CA14068G1046 - CS) compared to its main competitors
Capstone Mining Corp.Peer group: Ratios based on Fri, 24 Jun 2011.
Capstone Mining Corp. Peer group
Enterprise Value(in thousands USD) EV/EBITDA Relevance Score
2011 next 12 mth
Capstone Mining Corp. 998 401 4.54 4.31
Lundin Mining Corpor... 3 909 598 6.41 5.75 100%
Hillgrove Resources ... 66 157 NM 2.79 78%
Kazakhmys plc 11 580 147 5.68 5.71 75%
BHP Billiton Ltd. 235 028 928 5.04 5.05 71%
BHP Billiton Plc 233 987 543 5.24 5.25 71%
Capstone Mining Corp. Benchmark
next 12 mth
Company Capstone Mining Corp. 4.31
Peer group Capstone Mining Corp. excluded 5.16
Capstone Mining Corp. included 5.16
Sector General Mining 5.49
S&P 500 7.58
STOXX Europe 600 6.09
Country CAN 7.30