As if we didn't already know
The EV/EBITDA ratio is a relevant market valuation ratio. Taseko Mines Ltd shows a EV/EBITDA ratio of 4.15 for the next 12 months.
This is lower than the median of its peer group: 4.72 The company valuation of Taseko Mines Ltd according to these metrics is below the market valuation of its peer group.
This is significantly lower than the average of its sector (General Mining) 5.49 The company valuation of Taseko Mines Ltd according to these metrics is way below the market valuation of its sector.
Market valuation multiples for Taseko Mines Ltd (CA8765111064 - TKO) compared to its main competitors
Taseko Mines LtdPeer group: Ratios based on Fri, 24 Jun 2011.
Taseko Mines Ltd Peer group
Enterprise Value(in thousands USD) EV/EBITDA Relevance Score
2011 next 12 mth
Taseko Mines Ltd 700 989 5.23 4.15
Augusta Resource Cor... 625 280 NM NM 100%
Southern Copper Corp. 27 201 476 6.03 5.52 81%
Antofagasta 20 187 447 4.18 3.90 78%
HudBay Minerals Inc 1 427 996 3.75 3.71 78%
Metminco Ltd. 426 312 N/A N/A 73%
Galaxy Resources Ltd. 373 262 N/A N/A 73%
Taseko Mines Ltd Benchmark
next 12 mth
Company Taseko Mines Ltd 4.15
Peer group Taseko Mines Ltd excluded 4.72
Taseko Mines Ltd included 4.71
Sector General Mining 5.49
S&P 500 7.58
STOXX Europe 600 6.09
Country CAN 7.30