Econiche approval in USAUntil Canada starts using this product successfully why would the USA use it unless it can be used as a safety net for lawsuits, thats how there country operates its all about suing people and corps, the liability comes back to beef producers knowing that they had a solution to greatly reduce the chances of severe illness or death. They wont pay until they are forced to. In Canada we are all paying for it right now, universal health care covers the cost of treatment due to any illness. Canadian government should step in and force the producers to cough which in turn forces the individual consumer to pay for the product they are consuming, I would be happy to pay for the added safety for my children and myself. How much does it cost us now, more than the whole program will cost if done properly. Typical slow moving humans takes 30 years to figure it out mathematics.
The USA will wait until the last possible second to use this product as others have posted, protectionism is the key
I don't know anything about our system in Canada but if the USDA requires a step of manufacturing performed in there country I think we shouldn't hold our breath.
Still sitting on a tiny fortune of shares waiting for the days of redemption, somebody with a brain will figure out this simple story, hopefully sooner than later.
Hang in there if u can money is soon to follow. Torture usually pays high dividends to those with faith and good ideas. Canada needs to make the move first.
Good Luck