Management has done it before. "Building this resource Company has always been about creating realvalue with a view to sell to a larger oil Company at some point in thefuture. I believe that the year over year growth that we have been ableto achieve clearly establishes that we have made significant progresstowards that goal. Our next challenge is to communicate this message tothe markets so that our stock price will more accurately reflect thevalue that has been created to date and the potential of our portfolioto create greater value in the future."
Sean KehoeCEO and Director
Sean Kehoe has been involved in the corporate finance and naturalresource industry for over 25 years. Most recently as Chairman and CEOof Longbow Resources Inc. Longbow was a TSX Venture listed junior oiland natural gas company based in Calgary Alberta, which Mr. Kehoe becamePresident and CEO of in August of 2006.
Throughout 2007 the Companyachieved 355% year over year growth in total proved Mboe reserves atDecember 31, 2007 and was sold in the spring of 2008 for approximatelyforty million dollars. The market capitalization of Longbow when Mr.Kehoe took over management was approximately seven million dollars.
Philip E. Collins
P. Geol.
Mr. Collins has over 24 years of diversified experience inthe Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin(“WCSB”) and international arena.He has taken his deep basin tight gas expertise in the WCSB anddeveloped significant multi-formational discoveries over his career andhas spent the last 14 years building “start-up” oil and gas venturesbased significantly on personally generated technical product.
In August of 1999 Mr. Collins joined Corsair ExplorationInc as Vice-President of Exploration and held that position until thecompany was sold in June 2002. Over a 30 month period Corsair drilledfrom 0 to1,100 boed and established 5.4 million boe of new reserves.
InSeptember 2002, Mr. Collins joined Meridian Energy Corporation(“Meridian”) as Vice-President, Exploration. A little over a year laterhe became President and Chief Operating Officer of Meridian and heldthat position until Meridian was sold in March 2005. Over approximately30 months, Meridian drilled from 0 to 3,100 boed and established 7.3million boe of proven plus probable reserves. In April 2005, Mr. Collinsstarted Cork Exploration Inc. (“Cork”) and was its President and ChiefExecutive Officer until July of 2007. Over approximately 24 months, Corkdrilled from 0 to 3,500 boed and established 9.6 million boe of provenplus probable reserves. Mr. Collins is highly regarded in the Calgaryoil and gas community due to his demonstrated ability to find newreserves