Surething1111 -- Thank You For Agreeing!Surething1111:
Thank-you for agreeing -- you and your LBE "foot in the mouth" gang are simpletons! I've known it for a very long time but it is nice to see that you are coming to grips with reality. You see, buddy, you and your band of losers frequent here because RM is really under your skin. You ignore the facts, for instance, the last ISM MD&A and Financial Statements. In fact, I am sure you and your band of losers don't even read them. In any case, your lost LBE dream is all but over and you and the "foot in the mouth" gang don't embrace the reality of the dire state of your LBE investment. However, I have to really laugh how you follow RM around like a puppy dogs observing his work. Bottom line, RM made quite an investment for pennies on the dollar on UMJ, and you continued to embrace the LBE dog and try to keep up with RM. I just tickles my innards to see how agitated you boys are with the truth. Surething1111, get a life buddy as you boys are caught up in the past the the world is passing you by. RM, ISM shareholders, and UMJ shareholders, win as direct result of RM's actions. However, the LBE bagholders, like yourself, continue to get more angry at the prospect that the world moves on -- it just fills me with glee! So, how has your LBE investment strategy matched RM's UMJ move -- dah, well, not at all. Surething1111, I know you have always been a confused sole and RM will show you the way. I see that your LBE is on the countdown from 10 to 2 cents -- good luck with your LBE investment.