SHORTERSThe biggest problem with shorting is, that even if the real shareholders dont want to sell there is this illusion someone is and these pracks bring it down in 100s and who else can actually afford to sell a 100 shares at a time, this triggers stop losses and then it becomes a cascade. Then doubt is created because us small retailers believe we don't have the same access to information and in a lot of cases we dont. GEE is right about this short BS with you know who and these guys get away with it, it is unbelievable. Short the shares you are selling makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Patience will pay here this is nothing to do with management. Swing trade for your rent but hold your core position because you never know... when someone will want it, there is a coking supply shortage developing and unless the world tanks, which it could, then some INdian, Chinese or Brazilian company will want us. You can takes out 6 million tons for 70 years with the current RE and that is based on mineable coal at todays standards. When met coal gets rarer the seams smaller than 4 feet maybe will become economical, that will be my grand children's problem, if CMK stays in existence and does not get bought out.