come back on the realityinsulting people is not the way to communicate.
i don t smoke and don t use drugs , but regarding your attitude
i presume you do it!!
my last blog is not incoherent : if you don t trust the YNG team
and if you believe that they misconduct , be courageous and go
in front of the court!
you misunderstand this company , you ( and your others names , ice etc..
try to destroy the trust and the huge work done .so you are not credible
anymore on your different blogs.
if i was an employee , i will invite you to visit the mine , and will try to
understand your so negative anger , i will tell you that your incoherents
blogs are insulting my job , my company , my futur...
but you probably will not come !
try to be constructive , ask to the managment the good questions...
and stop to insult without knowledge , people who are taking care
of our investment , and stop to use differents pseudo on this bullboard.
last solution , give me your name and tel number for a adult discussion.
so mister ice/downer etc....try to be intellectually honnest , you will see , is not
always unpleseant!!