RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: management shift"In my humble opinion that ONC is still around after 10 years of study speaks volumes"
Actually, they've been around for 13 years.
"Poor managment is the reason my portfolio s*cks" tune?"
My portfollio is doing quite well. In the nine years I've been in this stock by playing my trading shares and keeping tight my long shares I've managed to get my average cost down to $2.17 per share which I intend to cash in when the ship comes home, which I've said many times on this board ( i.e., long before you came on board).
"Since when is a chronology a function of maturity or accumulated wisdom?"
It is a universal accepted fact that with age comes wisdom and maturity (unless,of course, life has taught you nothing).
I respect most members on this board because they are, for the most part, confident and knowledgeable in the science and are not afraid to criticize management when it is justified, as is their right.