ThePlants which include (Corinth, Hamilton, Brampton and Richmond)
employed150full-timeemployees, all plants were open 24 hours per day.I havetheoriginallogs. If you would like copies, please email me.
The Brampton Head office employed 50 people...and [correction] "the Langley Office employed 27 employees."
The plant that would have been opened by now....
Shareholderswantanewboardofdirectors.Votefor an annual general meeting. Ifyouwouldliketojointhemajorityshareholder (77%) legalsuit,contactVincent&Rees-Attorney's forGlobal 8 shareholders.VotefortheA.G.M.,shareholdershaverights, we votedtheseindividualsout.Joinand buildon ourmajorityshareholder disidentgroup.
Does this look "bogus" to you? G8 shareholder Corporate Video. *
Ifyouhavereceivedanyemails or other correspondence (legal)thatmaybebeneficialtosavingourinvestment in Global 8, please email meat
* Note actual video footage utilizing the patented waste processing invention.
Truth,honorandrespecttoallG8shareholders,including RH (who knowsnothing, andwasneveraThermoTechshareholder, nordid he/others everattendaThermoTechFacility).TheTechnology belongs tothe founder. If you know who sent RoyHalesinformation about RB's dogKennel contact the RCMP - they posted ablogon their site...I have acopy. This could
mean 10 years in prison foranotso happy couple. If Roy Hales is any man of character, hewouldcontactthe RCMP himself and supply evidence regarding thesecriminals. Addanother 10 for the C4.
Tik Tock