Eye Witness Testimony...I also have all the videos. I have sent them to a few of you. For plants that existed...as witnessed by The Discovery Channel.
, June 4, 1998(DISCOVERY CHANNEL) @ Gloria Changwww.exn.ca/Stories/1998/06/02/56.asp
' text-decoration:='underline;' we='re the only company in the world that is using this patentedprocess," says Kroeker.
It' s='taken' gone='to' landfillsin='the' past='and' processing='it' and='turning' it='into' a='while' end='product' inthe='form' of='a' livestock='feed' supplement,=' says Ed Kroeker, marketingdirector.
Votefor the Annual General Meeting. If you would like to be a Plaintiff in theshareholder litigation, contact Vincent and Reese.
Ifyou have any information regarding Global 8, please email me at ryan_0007@msn.com. Why would we want bio fuels, when we haveyears of expertise of research and development. We have years of a PROVEN apatented recycling technology?
Truth,honor and respect to all G8 shareholders.
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8/19/2008 9:37:45 AM | NoRecommendation | 80 reads | Post #23664971-Rhales2