RE: RE: RE: $8.70I was also around for ARU and Keith Baron was the best management to take it all the way. But that was a rich deposit in a politically unstable country. ATC hasn't taken the cake yet but if it does we will all look like mining gurus in the not to distant future. This has the potential to be in the top 5 gold discoveries of the last 10,000 years. I watched ARU go from .50 to $12 and I thought I had missed the boat, I finally got in at $18 because I realized it was the real deal.
I have been watching ATC for years and owned shares when it was .08. A poster by the name of Metaldog was the one who turned me onto it. Even back then he saw the potential but I don't think he ever dreamed of this.
Toureq is also a big reason I have followed this stock, he has been unwavering in his belief of ATC for years now and has kept me well informed with his knowledge.