Thoughts1. Will SCG require financing to cover debt? Yes
2. Has this board become junk? Yes
3. Is this the only stock that is currently in the way oversold territory? Nope. Everything else has been greatly affected by the global economic uncertainty.
4. Can this stock slide further? Very possible. We have broken all support levels, mid .20s are not unrealistic.
5. Does this slide make any sense? No, and it is very painful to watch.
6. Have the fundamentals and prospects improved or became worse? Everything keeps getting better.
Conclusions? Well for those that entered at higher levels it really doesn't make sense to sell now as you know that the fundamentals and the numbers in the financials are still there, and eventually the s/p will do what it has to do.
P.S. those wondering what's happening with the pending patent? It will not be ready for approx. another several years. A simple call to the I.R. will confirm this. It's not a fast process.