RE: Carscallen: What's in an "Average"?SOS. Besides the fact that you are unhappy with Jens. Why is it that Melkior is trying to snow investors, with good grades of gold and significant stringers at shallow depths, yet EXS is hitting the mother load with the HMC model at depths of +900m? It does not make sense to me how MKR is so wrong and EXS is so right. Economically speaking EXS would need 4x the gold at these levels to make it worth while(which they have not shown ). Yet they are following the HMC model and Melkior's management is just wasting money drilling holes in the ground. Please explain.
Also don't take my comments as a ringing endorsement of MKR management. Everything seems to take forever to get done. I just don't understand how EXS is trading at 0.50 and MKR at 0.18 other than better promotion. I am not a geologist, but it sure looks to me like MKR is a better buy at this sXKPtage in the game.