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Verisante Technology Inc. V.VRS

Primary Symbol: V.VER.H

Verisante Technology Inc is a Canada based medical device company. It is engaged in commercializing medical systems for the early detection of cancer. The products of the company are Verisante Aura which is for skin cancer detection and Verisante Core which is for lung, colon and cervical cancer detection. It utilizes a cancer detection platform while the operating software and probe technology. The group generates revenue from the sale and renting of its medical devices.

TSXV:VER.H - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by dpietroon Jul 19, 2011 12:29am
Post# 18845353

RE: What's going to happen tomorrow? - no bashers

RE: What's going to happen tomorrow? - no bashersWe will gap up again in the morning. The big players are now positioning themselves and will be fighting to get hat is left for sale. I say we see $2.00 tomorrow
Bullboard Posts