RE RE: RE: BOY OH BOY>>>>> NEWS!!!!!!!! With all due respect $ 3.50 by sept, are you kidding.? On what .? Dixons word.
This property and McFarlan are the two main properties , that have had ( supposedly ) enough drilling done to create some kind of a resource estimate on, and there is no indication as to if and when we will see a resource estimate on these either. The other properties determined potential is so far down the road, that they will never live long enough to get it done, at the speed they move at..
Like someone said, they don't post any meaningful information for years, and now this to show us how incompetent they are. Remember the misplaced logs on Isontok, that was another good one.
Dixon either doesn't have a clue as to what he is doing, or he is one sophisticated scam artist.
This is a sick joke for sure., and seemingly with no punch line. It is hard to believe just how corrupt things like this can get.